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Engagement Letter

It is important to us that you understand what enlisting our services means for you and that is why we believe transparency is key. Below you will find our Engagement Letter that we strongly encourage you to read in order to understand the terms and conditions in enlisting our services.

To Our Valued Clients:

Thank you for the privilege of allowing us to provide you with tax preparation services. This engagement letter expresses the terms and conditions under which we will provide you with tax services, and it outlines responsibilities for each of us.

This letter confirms the terms of our tax engagement and clarifies the nature and extent of the

professional services that we will provide.


IMPORTANT: Once send and we receive paperwork you are agreeing to the engagement of services, and fees are expected on delivery.


DISCLAIMER: We will NOT E-File your return until full payment is received.

  • We will prepare your individual/business tax returns for the period(s) you provide us with specific information.


  • We will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit, although we may ask you to clarify some of it for us. Our work does not include any procedures designed to discover defalcations or other irregularities, such as fraud or embezzlement, should any exist.

  • You attest that income and expense items you claim are substantiated by proper records and receipts, and can furnish such documentation in the event of an audit.

  • You attest that the information you provide is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge.

  • You are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the tax return(s) and should review all documents carefully before signing.

  • The client agrees to furnish all information that is necessary for the preparation of the above tax returns and is responsible for the proper recording of transactions in the books of accounts, for the safeguarding of assets, and for the substantial accuracy of the financial records.

  • The client is also responsible for maintaining sufficient documentation to substantiate all items of income and deductions claimed, including travel and entertainment expenses.

  • It is recommended that the client provide photocopies of all tax documents to prevent any loss of data. Adis & Associates will not be responsible for lost originals.


Fees & Payment:


Our fees for this work will be based upon the complexity of your tax return(s), as well as out-of-pocket costs for processing and postage / handling fees.

  • Tax preparation fees must be paid before we will electronically file or release your tax return(s) to you.

  • Tax preparation charges are based on standard fees to prepare each form.

    • If any forms require additional preparation time above the norm, you will be billed.

    • If you request an estimate, we will give you a non-binding estimate based upon your representations about the complexity of your tax return(s).

    • Because unforeseen or changed circumstances might affect this original fee estimate, your actual fees may exceed the original fee estimate without notification to you in advance.

    • In the event that any balance is past due, we reserve the right to cease working on your return(s) or providing any other services until the balance has been paid in full.

    • If you have a balance on your account after 15 days, there will be a late fee of $35.00 added to the billing and on each monthly statement thereafter.

    • At any time after the billing, your account may be sent to collections.

    • We reserve the right to ask for a retainer to be paid in advance of work done from new clients and any client with whom we have experienced payment problems.

    • If you terminate this engagement before completion, you agree to pay for time and expenses incurred prior to the date of termination, even if the tax return(s) are not completed.

    • You will be responsible for any court costs, attorneys fees and any costs associated with collections.


If you should receive a notice from a taxing authority, you must send a copy within 30 days of the date on the first notice (phone calls are not acceptable). In the event of an examination or other government contact, we are unable to represent you upon request.

  • Adis & Associates is also available year-round to answer questions.

    • Such additional services will be billed to you as our efforts are incurred, including direct expenses for computer services, fax transmissions, report production and out of pocket costs, including travel expenses.

Document Retention:

It is our policy to retain work papers related to this engagement for seven years. Upon the expiration of the seven-year period, you agree that we shall be free to destroy our work papers.


  • When records are returned to you, it is your responsibility to retain and protect your records for possible future use, including potential examination by any government or regulatory agencies. You should retain the tax records related to the current years tax returns, including any receipts, statements or other supporting documentation, for at least seven years after it was filed, since any additional assessments are usually made during this period.

  • Once your return(s) are completed, you will be given a copy for your records.

  • There is a minimum charge of $50.00 for the time and efforts involved in providing you with additional copies of your tax returns, so please retain the copies you receive from us.


Privacy Notice:

As your service provider, we collect information provided by you from your tax organizer, worksheets, documents, computer data files and discussions, information provided to us at your request by brokerage houses and banks, and information that we develop as part of the engagement. We are committed to the safekeeping of your confidential information and we maintain physical and electronic safeguards to protect your information.

  • We are required to keep all information about our engagement confidential. We will not disclose any information about you unless we have your approval as required by law (Rev. Proc. 2008-35), even if you are no longer a client. If you would like your records released to a third party, such as a mortgage lender, in accordance with Rev. Proc. 2008-35 you must sign a disclosure statement.

  • Please E-mail us your documents authorization to release the information to (973)720-1040.

  • There is a minimum charge of $50.00 for the time and efforts involved in providing your information to a third party.  


We want to express our appreciation for this opportunity to work with you, and hope that you'll bring any questions or concerns to our attention. This engagement letter will apply for all future years tax preparation services unless the agreement is terminated in writing or amended in writing by you or the tax preparer.


Please sign and return this letter by email, fax, or mail. Please keep a copy for your records. We want to express our appreciation for this opportunity to work with you. Very truly yours, John Adis

2022 All Rights Reserved. Adis & Associates

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